Now, martin is the deputy sheriff of a small arizona town. The film s high desert settings, with locations in and around kingman, arizona, also contribute very effectively to this crime thriller of the late 1950s west. This classic suspense film finds new york city ad executive roger o. The book was like reading a movie i mean that in a good way, story flowed, the characters flowed, it just worked. Shot on location in mojave county, az, it weaves the vast open spaces of its locales all through its story, and is filled with visually. Edge of eternity 1959 dvd cornel wilde actor mickey shaughnessy actor format. Edge of eternity 1959 posters the movie database tmdb. A cinemascope production with music by daniele amfitheatrof and cinematography by burnett guffey. Of course the canyon is as much a star in the film as any of the actors and siegel gets a marvelous performance from. The cast is lead by cornel wilde as the sheriff, victoria shaw as his love interest and micky shaughnessy. Its impressive because its real the pilot is basically flying in a deep trench, where he must follow the bends of the river. A piece i wrote that started off solely based on the piano riff but then explanded. In fact, i am more impressed with the clear, clean audio of this 50s film then the breathtaking images.
Edge of eternity 1959 widowed les martin cornel wilde is an exdetective haunted by a case he left behind in denver. Edge of eternity this is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a dvdr disc. Grand canyon national park, arizona, usa filmed at one of the wonders of the world the grand canyon. This site is for research, and is not meant to infringe on the rights of the owners of this motion picture. Roderick heath 2019 film writing ill be back in a few days with my annual confessions of a film freak survey featuring my best of 2019 list. At a lean 80 minutes, the film doesnt shortchange plot points nor does it. Shes in quite a lot of the film, and its only 75 minutes long. Its nearing the end of your mobile plans billing cycle and youre already up to your third data addon but stan has dropped a huge serving of disneys back. Helped by socialite janice kendon and barkeeper scott obrien, arizona deputy sheriff les martin works to solve three brutal murders in and around the grand canyon. Kendrick sweet, cornel wilde, rian garrick, victoria shaw, edgar buchanan, mickey shaughnessy, don siegel.
Exciting modernday western actioner directed by don siegel sees wilde as a brave sheriffs deputy out to solve the. The wild beauty of the grand canyon and the colorado river serve as a backdrop to the mystery this is the closest that wilde ever came to making a western and he is cast as a former las vegas police detective who is now. Toronto film society presented edge of eternity 1959 on monday, march 12, 2018 in a double bill with the naked jungle as part of the season 70 monday evening film buff series, programme 6. Edge of eternity is oldschool filmmaking at its finest. More edge of eternity 1959 celia trimboli 20100401. The print used to produce the dvdr of the edge of eternity gives the disc beautiful images and beautiful sound. You cant get more expansive than the grand canyon and i saw it about 5 years after edge of eternity was filmed there. The grand canyonset crime investigation thriller edge of eternity is an essentially forgotten 1959 effort from director. Edge of eternity is a crackerjack noir mystery set in the modern west, but hardly in a tight urban setting.
Oct 27, 20 sacha borat baron cohen asks melanie what her price is friday night with jonathan ross duration. Action director don siegel dirty harry, invasion of the body snatchers directs this fastpaced western with beloved character actors edgar buchanan and. Hidden messages from the edge of eternity, 1999 book by. His efforts leads to the killer fleeing with janice as a hostage and a chase by car and helicopter lead to a climax on a miners bucket on cables a mile above the canyon floor. Sacha borat baron cohen asks melanie what her price is friday night with jonathan ross duration. And out of the 3 this one i could most relate to, because i was born in 1959,and the things. Edge of eternity spends at least six minutes flying above the desert and zooming deep into the canyon, and even shows a seaplane landing on the river at its bottom. At the edge of eternity, 1990 album by hexenhaus, with guitarist, producer and engineer mike wead. Edge of eternity 1959 don siegel, cornel wilde, victoria shaw, mickey shaughnessy, crime, drama, mystery, thriller april 16, 2017 helped by socialite janice kendon and barkeeper scott obrien, arizona deputy sheriff les martin works to solve three brutal murders in. It is great, however, to see edge of eternity again in widescreen, preserving the original cinemascope ratio, and in a firstrate transfer with vivid eastman color.
The killer releases the emergency brake and pushes the vehicle toward the man, the intent being to have the car strike him and take him with it over the edge. Edge of eternity 1959 by toronto film society on march 20, 2018 toronto film society presented edge of eternity 1959 on monday, march 12, 2018 in a double bill with the naked jungle as part of the season 70 monday evening film buff series, programme 6. The edge of eternity is not great, but the quality of the disc make it a really enjoyable experience to watch. Just click on the link to download from pdf archive. Movie typography from edge of eternity 1959, directed by don siegel, starring cornel wilde, victoria shaw, mickey shaughnessy, edgar buchanan, jack elam. His new album, dream journal, is now available to stream or download on bandcamp, spotify, amazon, apple.
Set in arizona, cornel wilde stars as deputy sheriff les martin. Grand doesnt begin to describe it, but this film will give you some idea. The film begins with an attempted murder of a man who has parked his car and is looking into the grand canyon with binoculars. Widowed les martin cornel wilde is an exdetective haunted by a case he left behind in denver.
Apr 19, 2010 a piece i wrote that started off solely based on the piano riff but then explanded. Called because it reminds me of an area on the edge of nothingness and k. In this westernaction film, a courageous sheriff must solve the murder of a goldmine executive. The film doesnt break much new ground as far as cop mysteries go, but. Edge of eternity 1959 cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. In this westernaction film, a courageous sheriff must solve the murder of a gold mine executive. Do you have any new or corrected filming details to add. Edge of eternity 1959 starring kcornel wilde, victoria shaw, mickey shaughnessy, edgar buchanan, rian garrick, jack elam and dabbs greer now only from. The film doesnt break much new ground as far as cop mysteries go, but economical storytelling, coupled with an appealing cast, make it a sharp and entertaining discovery.
From the jaw dropping beginning to the heart pounding. A rare appearance by the gorgeous victoria shaw, who would have made a great hitchcock heroine but made only a few films, and died at 53. Edge of eternity 1959 alle infos zur bluray edge of eternity 1959. Although siegel has expressed his dislike of cinemascope, exploiting the magnificent scenery of the grand canyon gave him ample reason to. He was killed after he found out that someone was stealing his gold and selling it on the mexican. Edge of eternity probably didnt have too big of a budget, but most of it surely went toward renting aircraft to capture the film s traveloguequality images of the grand canyon. The grand canyonset crime investigation thriller edge of eternity is an essentially forgotten 1959 effort. Ive only seen it panscanned in old tv prints where it looked miserable in every respect. Edge of eternity 1959 letterboxd your life in film. Thrillingly shot in cinemascope in and around the grand canyon, director don siegels actioner edge of eternity 1959 stars cornel wilde as a hardjawed deputy. The grand canyonset crime investigation thriller edge of eternity is an essentially forgotten 1959 effort from director don siegel dirty harry, invasion of the body snatchers that is worthy of reappraisal.
Edge of eternity is the sweeping, passionate conclusion to ke. Read the full synopsis of edge of eternity, 1959, directed by don siegel, with cornel wilde, victoria shaw, mickey shaunghnessy, at turner classic movies. A formerly successful cop who was beloved in the denver sheriffs department, les made his way down to arizona after a series of unfortunate events. The canyon is so much of a costar in the film that it even gets its own single card credit during the film s opening.
Edge of eternity is directed by don siegel and written by richard collins. Thrillingly shot in cinemascope in and around the grand canyon, director don siegels actioner edge of eternity 1959 stars cornel wilde as a hardjawed deputy with a past, suddenly dealing with a plague of murders. Highly recommended, and especially so for anyone who saw the movie when it was first released in 1959. Edge of eternity is a historical and family saga novel by welshborn author ken follett, published in 2014.
Its a lean little thriller with great and colorful characters that knows how to set up the plot, establish tension, and then get out of the way without overstaying its welcome. It is the third book in the century trilogy, after fall of giants and winter of the world. Director don siegel and star cornel wilde combine to give audiences a fast paced and very entertaining murder mystery that keeps everyone guessing until the breathtaking climax. Edge of eternity is a 1959 cinemascope eastman color film directed by don siegel shot on location in the grand canyon. Edge of eternity is especially beguiling as a siegel work because the setting, on the fringes of the grand canyon in the midst of a decaying mining town, allows siegels visual obsession with vertiginous heights and accompanying climes of moral dizziness a perfect natural amphitheatre to play out in. Edge of eternity 1959 on bluray twilight time movies. Edge of eternity 1959 don siegel, cornel wilde, victoria. Edge of eternity 1959 screen archives entertainment. His efforts leads to the killer fleeing with janice as a hostage and a chase by car and helicopter lead to a climax on a miners bucket. At a lean 80 minutes, the film doesnt shortchange plot points nor does it bog itself down. It stars cornel wilde, victoria shaw, mickey shaughnessy, edgar buchanan and rian garrick. The star attraction of edge of eternity is the grand canyon, not just by its beauty, but also by its vastness and inherent dangers.
Burnett guffey and exciting direction by siegel help gloss over the rather weak script and make this film well worth watching. The twilight time bluray of edge of eternity is a welcome release of this satisfying crimeadventure tale. He was killed after he found out that someone was stealing his. Winners best picture winners golden globes emmys san diego comiccon new york comiccon sundance film festival toronto intl film festival awards central festival central all events.
Edge of eternity 1959 don siegel, cornel wilde, victoria shaw, mickey shaughnessy, crime, drama, mystery, thriller april 16, 2017 helped by socialite janice kendon and barkeeper scott obrien, arizona deputy sheriff les martin works to solve three brutal murders in and around the grand canyon. Don siegels edge of eternity is not only a neat little crime thriller but one of the better outdoor adventure movies of its era, availing itself of the landscape attending the grand canyon and its surrounding area as only a color film in cinemascope could. Edge of eternity 1959 the movie title stills collection. In this moderately exciting modernday western, lawman cornel wilde pursues murderer mickey shaughnessy towards the grand canyon and a cablecar climax. Action director don siegel dirty harry, invasion of the body snatchers directs this fastpaced western with beloved character actors edgar buchanan and jack elam supporting the action. Edge of eternity 1959 rotten tomatoes movie trailers.
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